2015 bermonth


1:03 AMUnknown

It's October fist another year to be added in my age, I'm getting older again great opportunities to come and more responsibilities to take.

We all have this one wish when we are kids - we want to grow up as fast as we can to live independently. We tend to do things immediately, not knowing our parents are wishing us not to grow old fast. When I was a kid, I never dream of getting older, in fact I always wish that God will guide me no matter what I choose, and I want to be a kid forever, to stay with my parents. I know it's impossible but I share my whole life with them, I follow their orders and gain respect to myself that's why I grew up this way not smoking, not drinking alcoholic beverages, and the only thing that I grew up with is Fashion.

My outfit suits those who are in the stage of "not a girl, not yet a woman". I chose to include Korean accent because I love Korean Fashion.

Well, if being a fashionista runs in my blood since I'm young, then I guess, I'll grow old with Fashion too.

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